Monday, July 13, 2009


I recently did this job for AIMCAL. It was a three part project consisting of the Sourcebook cover, laying out their newsletter and creating an insert/mailer.

I created the cover for their Sourcebook first. It took a couple rounds of ideas to come up with something they liked but it was worth it. I then used the cover to create the cover of their newsletter. I also laid out the inside.

For the insert, that went in the newsletter, I had to create the illustration of a person chained to their desk. They wanted something that had simple line art but showed the different sections of their website at the same time. Throughout the insert the computer monitor changes to show each site that is talked about. When the insert talks about their conferences the desk is empty with the chain laying there.

It took sometime to do but I think the final results look good. It was also a fun project to work on as I got to try out some new techniques and learn how to use a few new tools.

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